Support us.
You can support Grand Ledge music programs by supporting our Grand Ledge Music Booster Association. The GLMBA is an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Photo by StudioM
Become a Sponsor
Your financial support enables our music program to have some of the “extras” that help to make our Grand Ledge music programs exceptional. Your generous contributions benefit our music students through vocal and instrumental scholarships, grants for private lessons, and supplemental music education.
Kroger Plus Cards
Link your Kroger Plus Card to the Grand Ledge Music Booster Association account for us to receive credit! It's fast and easy. Visit Kroger's Community Rewards page and sign up as a new customer. Once you confirm your registration via email, you'll need to sign in and select 'Edit Kroger Community Information'.
Our NPO number is QX307

Photo by StudioM